2013 Heart

AGC CEO embezzlement

The location of the AGC was chosen for The 2013 Heart in direct response to the May 2012 news release regarding the organization’s CEO and the embezzlement of some 500,000 dollars. The whimsical piece was created with latex gloves, jay-clothes and copper scrubbies. While making light of the darker side of our human nature, it directly calls out to the AGC for the deeper cleaning that is clearly necessary here.

Much thanks to Sharon Steven’s for her help with installation. Photography by Janet Turner.

What happened with the AGC is most certainly the product of an imbalanced and unwell organization. The damage that was done will be felt by Calgary artists for years to come. The 2013 Heart speaks to all of Calgary’s arts organizations reminding them that when they lose sight of our artists, they lose sight of their reason for being.

This installation would not have come together without the dollarama materials expedition with Lisa Brawn -- nor the ballsy Sharon Stevens who was so becoming in her Rosie the Riveter outfit for installation! Many thanks to both of them and to Janet Turner for the gorgeous photo documentation.

2013 Heart

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2013 Heart
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